Wednesday, January 31, 2007

it's HAPPYMAN !!!

WHAT IS IT! Is it a... POODLE PURPLE POOS? ... No ....Its Happy Man!!! Watch out Dr. Mad! As you see, Happy Man has a belt with holsters that have...... GUNS?? Well his guns hold G.B.s .... That stands for Glad Bullets. As you'd think ...... Glad Bullets make people glad. Happy Man has Xray vision? He has it so he can look in any valentine card to see what it says.


Monday, January 8, 2007

Hey Mr. Spoonbill!

Hello every body! Did you know that I take art lessons?
Well here is a bird project I drue. Tweet! Tweet!

Sunday, January 7, 2007


Well Spy Bob is a superhero! And bad guys don't stand a chance! Oh! Did I forget too tell you about his little freind? His name is Spy Sam! Did you know that that their invinsabal? Because they have a SUPER FORSE FEILD! Well his first gadget is in his sleave. Its: HIS SPY ARM! With it he can do 3 things at one time! With his spy glassis he can see 100 things at one time too! the gadget is his SUPER RADAR! It can hear and see at one time! when a bad guy comes ............ The radar sais COMING! COMING! And the last gadget is........ His ROCKET PACK! It makes go UP UP AND AWAY!